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My current design project is to revitalise the old artist village into partially commercial but in other way also to accommodate the artist to have their own working studio and at the same to get experience to the local environment which it is a good place and environmentally well preserve due to the development have come to approach to this speific area.

My design is intentionally bring people or visitors to feel and put themselves into the natural environment. The surrounding area are greenery and people came far from urban area is able to experience the beauty of rural area under a comfortable and exisiting condition without destruction from human being. Initially, I wanted to lead the people as a kind of journey guiding them to experience the whole site unconsciuosly and with the new addition of building beside the old building will be creating contrast of old and new material texture that will lead them direct towards the new one because those days people are tend to be more modern perceptions where they are more connect to modern architecture rather than the old rural building, which this is my intention and concept.

The natural existing elements and the addition one is to create more continuous and consistency in the circulation of the overall site because the exisiting trees, bushes and grass is growth naturally where I try to add in some human growth trees or bushes that will gradually reveal kind of barrier that will obstruct the view and also directing them obviously without revealing contradiction in the visual attraction that people will misunderstanding the pathway that I already created. With the exisitng old building, I had tried to incorporate my design which implementing the adaptive reuse to make used the old building and giving it a second life for it to accommodate the artist so that the artist will have a closer experience with the existing material texture and also the new implementation of skylight and natural ventilation that is welcoming from the wind path without against it but to welcoming it. All these allow artist to feel the sense of belongings as a second residence that is comfortable to lived in. On the other hand, I also providing the old building to able to breath again by using what I had already designed which mentioned just now. In this case, these explained that what Replh actually described that various aspects of human perception and behaviour associated with space and place where the differences between “instinctive” spatial behaviour, “self conscious” spatial behaviour, and “lived” spatial behaviour. He also asserted that place-based design was being substituted by “placelessness”, a devastating result of uniformity, standardization, globalization, destruction, impermanence, and scalelessness. My design is kind of place-based and incorpration with placelessness where the addition is somehow created that doesn't has the same scale size as the old building because I wanted to show the unique of the old building with no just directly applying this old elements but to transform it to modern structure that is able to meet up the modern trend but in other way to mimic or imitate the old elements as part of respect to the existing one.



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