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Public Lecture: Body & Landscape as a way of Seeing by Eric Chen

Eric Chan is a Taiwanese Architect who studied at Philosophy of fine art at Tainan National University of the Arts and Tainan National University of the Arts. He is also a lecturer at Chung Yuan Christian University. He leads an architecture studio named ArchiBlur Lab, 共感地景创作. A studio which explores the relationships between architects and “empathy” of body and landscape.

“ Open our mind to use our body to feel the environment” by Eric Chen

The initial purpose of moving architecture :


- spontaneous renewal of intervening body on site and construction.

- survey of landscape resources.

- redefine the relationship of boundary between urban and village.

Urban Archipelago Project 城市浮洲 (2016 - still on going)

Eric Chen and the team have propose a series of drifting platform, which is a new architectural scale that is able to move and drift follow with the change of body, landscape and also city. They have make many survey upon the culture, site and existing building of Taiwan area, and locate this temporary architecture to the unused urban space. They understand an issue that happen in the society which is a “big gap” in between government and residential. With the solution which different pavilion can be transform in different size, form and provides different function. All of the pavilions serve with the same purpose, to reconnect the people with the historical memories towards the site and also to connect the people with the surrounding. The pavilions have wheel for moving, and all of the construction are designed and solved by the team with the understanding of the climates an condition of site.

“Is architecture, or car?”

No1 Time Machine

A photography studio, where part of the space is to capture the images, and the other part will produce and exhibit the images.

No2 Memory House

To exhibit the Taiwan culture including the foods and streets to connect the public.

No3 Exhibition Hall

Serve as a meeting hall and interview with the public. The wall and roof used to exhibit the art works.

No4 Science Garden

An assembly with roof garden that educate the children on the knowledge of agriculture. The pavilion will visit the elementary school along the river.

No5 Moving Garden

act as a medical health center to provide medical chechup and promote caring system specially for elderly people, which contain garden, discussing room, meeting room (gather) and information collecting.

No6 Voice House

A dark room for X-ray scanning which able to check the body heath. Function same as No6.

The pavilions No1 - No6 more to (capture people)

No7 -No9 are to (capture the nature force) located along the seashore.

No7 Wind House

To store the power around ocean line.

No8 Water House

To capture the rainwater.

No9 Moving Grden

Collect power and water from No7 & No8, which act as movable garden.

No10 Animate base of HongKong

Showcase for HongKong Comic Festival where it connect and engage with the people around by its separate structure.

Reworking archives : Dynamic Landscape

A public installation which they try to bring the landscape to the public in dynamic way. With the collection of different archives, they tried to rethink the urban boundaries.

Distance & Engagement of archives

Suspension Bridge : Floating Bridge

A structure of “Continuous Rain”, which show different temporarily for the inside and outside space. The bridge describe the boundary between the natural and artificial.

“Architect not just only stay in studio, should go outside, public, to do something with people.”

In the end of the talk, Eric Chen advice us that we should explore more with all kind of possibility and give emphasizing to make things more meaningful.



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