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Context is external elements that influence an object. These elements are physical and non-physical. Roads, buildings, and land contour are examples for physical elements while non-physical elements are weather condition, local culture, as well as political and economic constraints.


The context determines the architectural style, building material selection and site layout, which is very important in creating an effective design. All these promote continuity between the building and local circumstances.


The climatic context plays the important role in design. Ken Yeang explained climate context as “ understanding he site ecological history gives further clues as to what design strategies should be adopted ”.

Designers need to design buildings that meet the criteria of local climate such as building orientation, types of material used, and also size and type of openings. For example, a house with large window openings in low latitude climate will use electrical energy for air-conditioning to coo the building. The other problem will arise such as over use of electrical power that consumes more maintenance budget.

The understanding to the local’s climatic context is the most important strategy in contemporary architecture otherwise the building would be less comfort.


The economical context is related to the condition or situation of a country’s economy. Through these few decades, recession has given a big impact to slow down the buildings construction and development. It has also given the psychological impact to all practitioners in construction industry.“

Economic consideration were always important in modern architecture, but aside from a few, exceptional clients, the trend today is not only toward ‘cost-effective’ buildings, but also toward structures which are not aesthetically challenging.”

Every country in the world does not have the same economic viability. This difference makes the practice of contemporary architecture is different from place to place. Therefore, this context makes the architecture style is geared towards the simple and clean facade elements.

In addition, political influence affects the character of a building as well. For example in Malaysia, the government has made a policy that all government buildings must use the methods of industrialized building system to reduce the dependency on foreign workers. Recently, the concept of sustainability was introduced to reduce the amount of electricity and water bills in government buildings.


Culture is a way of life of a place. It is the best way to accept the constraints of a place and is followed from generation to generation. Sometimes it becomes a symbol and identity of a place. Adaptation into the architecture is the most popular way to show the identity of a place.“

Contemporary American architects often make reference to local tradition in their work, as though the United States could call on a history as rich and varied as that of Europe, which of course it cannot.”

For an example,

A form that comes from a culture and has been an icon might also influence the contemporary architecture forms. For example, an Egyptian pyramid form has become a popular form across the world and has been imitated by many architects.

An immediate example is Louvre Pyramid in Paris designed by I.M. Pei. The building has been triggering controversy due to its form that very contrast from the classical building at background. While some others stating that this building is a symbol of the success of the merger between the old and new concepts.

Completed in 1989, I.M. Pei’s renovation redesigned Cour Napoleon, the main court of the Louvre, in order to alleviate the congestion from the thousands of daily visitors. A new grand entrance provided a convenient, central lobby space separate from the galleries, which provided focal point for the cyclical process of one’s experience through the museum.

In addition to providing a new entrance to the Louvre, Pei’s design featured a new underground system of galleries, storage, and preservation laboratories, as well as a connection between the wings of the museum. The addition and relocation of the supporting spaces of the museum allowed for the Louvre to expand its collection and place more work on exhibit.

Pei’s design of the Louvre addition implemented a large glass and steel pyramid that is surrounded by three smaller triangles that provide light to the space below Cour Napoleon. For Pei, the glass pyramid provided a symbolic entry that had historical and figural importance that reinforced the main entry.



In conclusion, contemporary architecture is influenced by many factors. These factors are the main context for the architects in designing a building.

The design process should not only fulfill the designer’s desires but must take into account the surrounding contexts locally and globally.

Response to the surrounding contexts is very important because it determines the success of a buildings’ design. In response to these contexts will create communication channels between buildings and people around.

Sometimes people will appreciate the architecture, if designers appreciate their cultural and aesthetic values.

Thus, the context of climatic, cultural, economical, political, computational and environmental cannot be denied is very important in determining the contemporary architectural design.




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