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Materiality Vs Immateriality

In architecture ,materiality and immateriality play an importance role today ,architecture is expected to be solid, stable and reassuring – physically, socially and psychologically.Bound to each other, the architectural and the material are considered inseparable. But Immaterial Architecture states that the immaterial is as important to architecture as the material and has as long a history.

In architecture, materiality is the concept of, or applied use of, various materials or substances in the medium of building.It is not limited to theoretical positions of the perceived materiality of images ,texts or other objects of representation. Materiality is a visual , it can be see directly ,and it normally used in building construction.

Immateriality which is without a material form or substance. It is more like a sense compared to material, if let say materiality is directly let you visual it ,then immaterial which is try to hide it but only let you feel it.


Materiality is a time honored custom ,it will be possible to examine clearly thoroughly the relationship between the site and the surrounding. Materiality is a kind of presentable of texture , the touch of the texture's beauty we are not gonna forgot it .


Immateriality advocates an architecture that fuses the immateriality and the material ,considers it’s consequences , and it challenging the preconception of architecture. To create an immateriality building there is so much hard than materiality , it have to consider a lot of problem and how insert the feeling into space and make it more perfect , some architect will using lighting , some will make the building unseen .

Blur building

Using atmosphere to create spaces, an emphasis on the affective qualities of the immaterial as sensorial stimulus.

In my opinion , both are importance today , materiality or immateriality can be combine together and create a more perfect space , not just choose materiality or immateriality we should have go learn both of it . Architecture todays are always focus of each of it but why don’t go both of it . For me materiality is more in into the visual of material of texture ,immateriality which is the disappear of materiality , it make the space more quality and more interesting .

If a fourth text were to be added by me, I would NOT argue about what importance in materiality and immateriality , some say materiality and already not play an importance role in architecture we now more in immateriality but if nowadays all architect design with an concept disappear then there will be no more interesting .Materiality is not only a empty shell , it based on the site and create the right material to merge the site . Some is present the traditional of handcraft without materiality we will not see the beauty of crafting the beauty of texture , the touching of the realistic material . To merge the generation we should not only focus in immateriality , we should bring materiality in immateriality , bring immateriality in materiality.



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