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Scenarios + Situations

Scenarios + Situations

  • Acquire, understanding, is the idea of relating senses to objects and spaces towards a consciousness allowing greater insights into art, object, form and space. This notion follows the gesture of sketching, of laying and repeating lines to bring about a deeper appreciation of those lines, and of the object/subject being drawn.

  • The understanding of objects and spaces are furthered through this practice of appreciation rather than the conflicting interpretations inherent within them.

  • Focusing primarily on the intellectual functions of objects and visual expressions of colour and texture, to assist in the orchestration of objects and spaces, which are only a natural reaction to architects intent.

For my understanding, this is what basically ‘Scenarios + Situations’ ‘s concept.

Just attend a PAM public lecture on last Wednesday night at Publika Black Box by Mohd. Hatta Ismail from DIA Atelier.

First sight, I was quite attracted by the theme which is ‘Scenarios + Situations’ because from the combination of this two words I can feel the sense of happening in Architecture. Ar. Mohd Hatta start his lecture by introducing his daily artwork, which something shape like bowl but which is not using, and the interesting part is he define it as a space. What is space in terms of Architecture? Some people said space is a raw material an architect use to create wonderful places, space is anything that hosts design. When design is introduced to a space, the space get character on his own. When the character become strongly reinforced in a mind of people, the place transcend into a place. I’m agree with this and I think it is related to what Ar. Mohd Hatta always practice in daily with his artwork, which blend his imagination and creativity (Scenarios) to those small spaces (Situations).

This practice is actually quite practical and will widen our sense in design, as a student, we should always live in an atmosphere which observe and consider with our living environment, caring what is happening around us although its tiny but it can be fun.

Then, Ar. Mohd Hatta also got present about his few projects. From his work done in his project we can see quite clear the style and direction of him. Sorry to say that I’m not so impressed by his work in my first sight, because for me, I feel boring with plain. After understanding his concept and the reason behind why he prefer simple and always taking out Ornamentation, I can accept his architectural style, and appreciate his identity as an architect. Unlike fantasy movement, form and design which example : Frank Gehry, Rem Koolhas and others architects do, Ar. Mohd Hatta is creating something more comfortable and smooth in his own way, no direct decorative design in facade, imposed colours by green element (plant landscape) and artwork that like paints hang on wall which emphasize in interior space. Tall vertical element is placed exterior as a partition to create outdoor spaces in plain but which I think according to human behavior, interesting when standing there.

For those interior space, the sense is more towards comfort ability. For exterior space which balcony or garden, the feeling is more towards interesting.

What I learn from Ar. Mohd Hatta, create sense or feeling according to human behavior through space design is important because feeling is the key element to tackle human comfort ability.



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