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Ornamentation in architecture, defined as any element added to an structural form, usually for the purposes of embellishment or decoration. The forms of ornament have certain definite meanings or symbolic significance. Applied ornament, intended to add beauty to a structure but extrinsic to it which means without any practical function towards the structure.

In 1913, Ornament has been declared by Architect Adolf Loos as a “crime”, because of its wasted labor, wasted health and wasted materials and he concluded that “no ornament can any longer be made by today by anyone who lives on our cultural level… Freedom from ornament is a sign of spiritual strength”.


Even the contemporary architecture in 21st century tend to follow the philosophy “Less is more” by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe. He created an influential twentieth-century architectural style, stated with extreme clarity and simplicity. He strove toward an architecture with a minimal framework of structural order balanced against the implied freedom of unobstructed free-flowing open space. He called his buildings "skin and bones" architecture.

Barcelona Pavilion designed by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe.

Is this building contain ornamentation ? YES

The Sculpture itself is ornament which place where these optical effects would have strong impact and is indispensable for the building.

So, is the contemporary architecture still apply ornament? Yes

But is the ornament being functional or just for aesthetic effect without any meaning?

From the project Tori Tori Restaurant by Architects Rojkind Arquitectos + ESRAWE Studio at Polanco, Mexico City. As we can see the facede as the ornament which emerge from the ground climbing up through the building. It made up by two self-supporting layers of steel plates cut with CNC machine & handcrafted to exact specifications. The facade pattern responds to the inside openings, filtering light, shadows, and views that will constantly invade the interior spaces. The result that ornament in contemporary architecture has make responsible towards the technology, culture and environment.

Another example from Project by Architect Studio 505,Wintergarden shopping centre facade located at Brisbane, Australia. “The Wintergarden Façade is a radically experiential composition, a complex and beautiful study of nature, geometry and layering that communicates the rich diversity of life”. This as a result that the ornament has respond to the environment and the human feeling.

From the philosophical text by Joseph Rykwert can be considered as one of the main contributors towards the critical analysis of Modern and contemporary architecture and design history, proposing a perspective sensibly related to a rational and relatively traditionalist point of view.

In my opinion, instead of label ornamentation as a crime, there is still the value for its exist. Therefore, I agree with Joseph Rykwert statement on philosophical text that “ornament is no crime”. But still, I don’t agree with the statement that the “unacceptable” construction should be cover with ornament. Either the building has apply with ornament or not, there should have MEANING behind every building. There is no right or wrong for ornament to apply in contemporary architecture, just that should consider about the technology, culture, economic and environment.



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